11 May 2015
A great opportunity for some Syrian refugee students to continue their study at Czech universities in a study program which is concerned about educating the elites of the country devastated by a civil war.
In the next six years at least 20 students from the Syrian refugees in Jordan could be chosen to study at Czech universities, according to a study program proposed by the foreign ministry and to be debated by the government.
The study program costs for Syrian refugees in the Czech Republic was estimated at about (205,000$ US) a year.
The foreign ministry said, after a year the authorities will evaluate the program and will decide if it could include some more students, and he added that The program could be launched at the beginning of the new academic year, the participants will at first pass a one-year language course and then will join a five-year university study.
“The proposed fellowship program of the Czech Republic has a humanitarian character in the sense of aid to refugees and also a development character,” as the report said.