06 May 2015
Norway is attending to accept 10,000 Syrian refugee until 2016, in addition to that Norstat for NRK had made a survey which showed that 51 percent of Norwegians support Norway should accept 10,000 refugees from Syria, while 38 percent are against.
Voters on the left and in the center is the most positive about accepting 10,000 refugees from Syria, and Conservative voters are the most negative, according to the survey.
In addition to that nine out of ten FRP voters say no to 10,000 Syrian refugees, while 69 percent of the country’s largest party Labor voters support the proposal of receiving 10,000 Syrians.
81 and 78 percent of liberals and green party are absolutely positive about the idea and 71 percent of Christian Democrat voters say yes as well, but in the other hand the largest percentage of uncertain, 17 percent, are also in this group.
More than three quarters of Liberals (Venstre) and Green Party (DG) are positive about the idea, respectively 81 and 78 percent. Similarly 71 percent of Christian Democrat voters say yes, but the largest percentage of uncertain, 17 percent, are also in this group. Among the Conservative Party voters, the ratio of supporters is as low as 27 percent.
After the survey showed that there is a big disagreement about the idea, FrP’s parliamentary leader Harald Tom Nesvik believes that the Norwegian people are divided, “38 percent say no, and if you include 10 percent “uncertain”, then it is quite similar”, he said.