A Syrian boy learns programming languages without a PC !

01 Jun 2015

Even that he does not own a computer in his home, the Syrian child Hammam al-Hassan who fled Syria in to turkey, knows eight computer programming languages, Hammam a Syrian refugee in Turkey got two certificates in the field of computer programming and ethical hacking, and the strange thing that he learned all this in Internet cafes, as he also learned English and Turkish language by him self with out any classes or teachers.


Hammam al-Hassan said: “I am 14 years old, I like computer programming and I design web sites, library programs, and Android and iPhone APPs, I learned that in the last three years since I came to Turkey with my relatives who were helping me Whenever I need to inquire about something.”


Hammam added: “I do not have a laptop, and I used to go to the coffee Net, even languages I ​​learned them there, and it was difficult because of the slow devices and the Internet which was even slower, when I am downloading a program to edit tags was it takes me a half an hour, which means the e my time in coffee Net is already over, and whenever I take one of my friends laptop to design a device projects on it my friend comes to take his laptop back before I finish, and I have no more space lift on the File Upload sites


In addition to that Hammam Said: “I can work on languages ​​of (Java – C ++ – Paython – C Shell) and other languages. With Java we can produce programs for each operating system, and with the Library of the SDK we can make programs for Android, and I can work with the languages ​​of design HTML, CSS3, movement languages of Java script, Querrey backhaul library, and PHP languages ​​that make up the nucleus of the sites. “


Hammam adds: “I have two certificates the first one is Ethical Hacker certificate, and the second one is CCNA, which I earned after I took the tests online”.


Hammam finished his speech by saying: “I learned English and Turkish from talking with people, and reading books, and when I grow up I want to set up a company such as Microsoft company which was created by Bill Gates.”