Alaa Aldeen Khurfan gets a significant discretionary award in Bulgaria

15 May 2015

Syrian Businessman Mr. Alaa Aldeen Khurfan was awarded the appreciation and pride of Bulgaria under the title “We are proud that you are worthy Bulgarian”.

Newspaper “24 hours” and Bulgarian television and other institutions, have been granted on Thursday to Mr. Alaa Aldeen Khurfan an award of most worthy man for 2015 in Bulgaria.

Businessman Alaa Aldeen, gave assistance to many refugees, had been sending food to the refugee camps, give them shelter in his company, allowed them to work in his company after their training, and helped them to learn a trade.

He is known among his friends in his strong humility, despite the Journey of thirty years in the field of business in Bulgaria, however, his name was not in the spotlight never, despite all he provided by silently.

Mr. Alaa Aldeen adds that should everyone working to help all our brothers without charge or wait thanked or fame, thanks not on duty when it comes to the help of the needy from our people and our nation, and secure housing and aid is duty, but we also have to work on the rehabilitation and secure jobs as possible in order to refugee returns to his normal life and become productive as soon as possible.

It is worth mentioning that they were received by his company building or helped them, were belonging to all spectrums of the Syrian people without any hesitation or reservations about whether political or religious.