“Arab Doctors” distributed six thousand food parcels to Syrian refugees

07 Jul 2015

The “Emergency Relief” committee in Arab doctors union distributed 6 thousand food parcels to 34 thousand families of Syrian refugees in Lebanon during the holy month of Ramadan.

Dr. Jamal Abdul Salam, Assistant Secretary General of the Arab Doctors Union and the President of the relief and development sector, said in a press report that “Emergency Relief” committee has distributed more than 6 thousand food parcels to about 34 thousand families of Syrians refugees in Lebanon within the project of “the fight against hunger and malnutrition”, which reached a cost this year in Lebanon only to about $ 240 thousand, a donation of the Egyptian people for Syrian refugees, in the wake of what field reports said about the deterioration of the humanitarian situation there.

Dr. Osama Raslan, Secretary General of the Arab Doctors Union, stressed that food parcels were distributed to Syrian refugees in Lebanon is one of “the fight against hunger and malnutrition” projects, which are seasonal projects “Emergency Relief” Committee in Arab Doctors Union are working to implement them during the holy month of Ramadan periodically in a number of Arab and African countries, where the project this year will be in Somalia, Syria, Lebanon, Burma, and Palestine.