“Billion Lira” from the Turkish Red Crescent to Syria during 4 years

07 Sep 2015

The Chairman of the Turkish Red Crescent Society, “Ahmad Lutfi Agar”, said that the society gave during the four years, aid worth about one billion Turkish Liras for Syria, or about $ 345 million, of which 300 million pounds -104 million Dolar- from Red Crescent’s sources.

He stressed, in a speech, on Monday, at the opening of the headquarters of the association in “Kayseri” central Turkey, the Turkish Red Crescent, does not offer its assistance on the basis of ethnic, religion, creed, or language.

He pointed out that the Turkish Assembly help those in need in many countries of the world, such as Iraq, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and African countries.

He added that the Red Crescent in Turkey, provides assistance to the poor, and victims of disasters, in addition to the refugees, whose numbers reached about 2.5 million refugees.