Canadian assistance to Jordan to face the flow of Syrian refugees

30 Apr 2015

Chairman of the Government of Canada Stephen Harper, announced yesterday that Canada will provide assistance worth 122.8 million Canadian dollars (Equivalent to 92 million euros) to Jordan to be able to face with the heavy flow of Syrian refugees and enhance security. Canada and Jordan are involved in the military coalition led by the United States, which has waged air strikes on positions of the “Islamic State” (Daash) in Iraq and Syria. During a visit to Ottawa, Jordan’s King Abdullah said his country has received about 1.5 million refugees and displaced Syrians since the conflict began in Syria in 2011, which is between 20 to 25 percent of the Jordanian population. Abdullah said during an official lunch in Ottawa “I will not stop scare Americans that I tell them that it looks like a case of passing the 65 million Canadian their borders two years ago.” Harper confirmed in a statement that the Canadian assistance includes $ 98 million aimed at helping the development, especially to skip the “social and economic problems” for Jordanians who face a large number of Syrian refugees and to enhance the country’s capabilities to cope with terrorist threats, especially on its border with Syria, as Harper said in a statement. Canada will provide equipment to enhance the inspection of vehicles at border centers and Canadian military will train and equip Jordanian military on “strategies against terrorism.” Canada also would help Jordan “address maritime terrorism,” and strengthen the financial system.