Christian “Fonsi” Springer, German Actor, devotes his time to help Syrians

21 Apr 2015

German TV Channels showed recently a documentary focusing on daily activities of a theater artist, Christian Springer, who employed a great aspect of his time to help Syrians in near countries. Sprenger has established a charity organization in 2012 “Orienthelfer”, later he rented a flat in Beirut to be used as a center for the charity activities. The German actor works on raising money and delivering it to Syrian refugees in the form of money grants or food supply. Springer who speaks Arabic language says, he used to visit Syria since 1986 almost every year, and he considers Syria as his second home, the things that made him help Syrians since the war started. Springer adds, he is ready to work 48 hours per day for his charity. Springer receives help from a number of Syrians and Lebanese who are interested in the same subject “supporting refugees”. The documentary showed many visits, by Springer, to Syrian living in a tinplate houses, a Syrian child injured in her back, also to a school project. In which he said that he rented a house and turned it into a school, now 400 child receive education at this school. The documentary also shows some efforts by Springer, trying to collect some money from the German government. It also shows a part from his speech in meeting was held in Bondstag, where he was describing angrily the suffer of the Syrian refugees and shortage of the help and support.