“Dar Alhayat” adopts 120 Syrian children orphaned by war

01 May 2015

120 orphan child , because of the conflict in Syria, as they lost either father or mother or even both, in Lebanon without any support, but a Lebanese founded a center house for them to provide; accomodation, education and providing all necessities in a try to compensate the denying and the loss of parents.

In “Alhayat” center, Ismail refuses to talk about what happened in Syria and says he does not remember, but according to his entourage, Ismail tries to forget the killing of his father and brother, describes the joyfully his home in Qatana and how he used to accompany his father sometimes to feed goats, but the details of killing his father still penetrates his memories.

Ismail told his story to “Al-arabia TV”, in which he said “A group from the the regieme’s army came to us, one soldier asked my father and my brother to raise their arms, my father tried to tackle the soldier, the soldier killed him immediately, my brother had the same fate, however he didn’t do any move”.

According to psychological supervisor at the center “Layal Asalahami” a large number of children seem affected by the loss of parents, and she said, “sometimes they refuse to participate in lessons especially some of them are prosecuted by nightmares. When I ask them what is bothering you, they cry. “

“Dar Alhayat” opened its doors to a hundred and fifty children, between the ages of six and fifteen, students here do not only get education, for example Qaesm, found shelter in this house instead of the small room he shared with dozens.

Qasim says, “I used to live with sixty-five people in a two-bedroom flat. I shared twenty-five people one room, which is roughly enough for five people only. So the place here is a chance for me to find a place for education and to improve my living conditions, too. “

Batoul says, “I did not believe I’d get a chance to learn in Lebanon. I am very happy in this place. “

Everything is available to students here, bedrooms, food and clothing, as well as cultural, scientific and religious activities, in which a Lebanese started this center due to the intensification of the Syrian crisis.

Mayassa Salam, The Director of the Centre, said “the center began with a simple idea, namely to help Syrian children. And grew with time, the needs are great, but of course there are people who Jerian offer to do good and sponcer orphans here. “

The center does not differentiate between orphan and another, and the place is open to everyone regardless of political orientations of the parents, The goal of the center is also the merger between the Syrians and the re-conciliation between the Children of Syria.