Jordan needs 450 school cost 50 million Jordanian dinars to enrol Syrian students

Jordan needs 450 school cost 50 million Jordanian dinars to enrol Syrian studentsimage

17 Apr 2015

Detection Secretary General of Ministry of Education, Jordan, Muhammad Akour , ministry needs 450 schools to enrol growing numbers of Jordanians and Syrians students at an estimated cost of 500 million dinars. Akour pointed that Jordan hosts about 1.4 million Syrian refugees make 20 percent of the size of population, while constitutes those in the study age 36 percent of refugees, Indicating that the number of Syrian students studying at public schools totalled 130,000 students while it is still 35,000 Syrian students waiting to enter school. According to Jordanian media quoted he said that large numbers of Syrian refugees have affected negatively on the Jordanian educational system Cause overcrowding classrooms where the number of students to 80 students especially in the northern regions of the Kingdom in the light of the vast shortage of qualified teachers. It also reflected the impact of the Syrian-seekers, according to Akour the phenomenon of increased school violence postponement of some reformist steps that the ministry is working on the take like getting rid of rented buildings where the ministry was forced to hire new buildings to accommodate students, Noting that there were 100 schools in Jordan are working double shifts.