08 May 2015
Al-Baraam center, for the development of the talents of childhood, held Marathon for children in the city of Amouda, under the title “Baraam Marathon” aims to support the children psychologically.
Raman Ahmed, the Media office director for the center, said to ARA News that «the number of participants so far reaching nearly 175 children, between the ages of six to 15 years», pointing out that «those in charge of the center created file for each child where all the information placed and portrays the Family Book to make sure the real age of each child for classification by age group».
Ahmed explained that the aim of the marathon is «To provide psychosocial support to children during these difficult conditions in Syria and to increase sport awareness for children», where he said that «the Kurdish community lacks a culture of running a comparison with the West in general and on the other hand, we create an atmosphere of entertainment for more than 300 children».
Ahmed pointed out that «there are prizes for 30 children, in addition to the honorary prizes for some of the guests», then he added that «the center does not have sufficient support for the establishment of a marathon, so we decided the perfect way to support this marathon, where we communicated with all Kurdish political parties, for taking part in support, so each hand donates a particular amount, the political parties is different but they agree on child support, it means that children Marathon consolidate them a time at least with comfort and without conflicts ».
Ahmed pointed out that «will inform the children about the marathon place only before hours for security necessity», adding that «the marathon will include entertainment offers for children, in addition to the establishment of a party after it ends».
This marathon evaluated by the center, which was founded in November month of last year, it is the first of its kind, in the Kurdish areas.