“Mohammed Zahra” smaller volunteer in “civil defense” in Douma and father and mother of 6 children

10 Aug 2015

It seems that the circumstances of the war and the siege, insisted to make the children of East Ghouta mature men carrying the concerns of their families and their homeland, like most men of the country ravaged by years of war, and which orphaned and displaced millions of them.

Child “Mohammed Zahra”, the son of fifteen-year-old, lost his father over a year ago in the bombing by the regime on their city Douma in eastern Ghouta, and his mother left the eastern Ghouta even before his father’s death, because she was not able to stay in the area regime’s aircraft visiting it in the morning and the evening.

Mohammed says, when he was in his work, he suddenly found himself a father and a mother of six brothers, he is the oldest, and forced to secure what they and the wife of his father eat. So he chose to be among the elements of civil defense team in his city, to contribute with them to save what can be saved from lives of innocent people targeted by the regime every day.

Mohamad is considers as the smallest elements of civil defense team in the city with his age fifteen, he says that the Civil Defense Department treat him as the largest element, in terms of provisions and rights, to honor his efforts, as he says.

He added that the circumstances of the war forced him to drop out of school three years ago, and the death of his father forced him to go in the way of securing food for him and his family, however, his friends and his generation are still playing and having fun in front of his eyes.