Pic A Pop Fundraising for Syrian Refugees

01 Oct 2015

From now until January 1st, every time you crack open a bottle of Pic A Pop you are helping with the relief work being done in Syria.

Peter de Jong owns Canadian Gold Beverages in Marchand. This is the company that produces Pic A Pop. For the next three months, two cents from the sale of every bottle sold in Western Canada will help the refugees.

“The Mennonite Central Committee is on the ground over there in these countries,” says de Jong. “So they can provide direct help to those who need.”

According to de Jong, it is difficult to predict just how much money will be donated in this cause, particularly because Pic A Pop sales are expected to drop a little once the colder weather sets in. But he says it should generate a fair bit of money. de Jong notes the federal government will match donations.

“As a country, we are all immigrants,” says de Jong. “I think we should keep helping that and not forget that we are in this world to help each other.”

He adds we should all be grateful for the good life we enjoy in Canada and be willing to step up and support the refugees suffering in Syria. According to de Jong, a large majority of the proceeds given to MCC will go directly to the people who need it. It is his understanding that the money from Pic A Pop sales will go directly to food and aid in Syria.

“Winter is coming,” says de Jong. “So we feel also this money will directly go to the camps for winter clothes and winter stuff, what they will need there.” de Jong says he is hoping other Canadian businesses will do the same for the refugees in the Middle East.