30 Jul 2015
Relief Society for Syrian refugees in Izmir, working in the relief field through secure food needs and provide job opportunities for Syrian refugees in the Turkish city of Izmir, was founded in the third of the month of August of the year 2013.
Anwar Abdullah, Vice-President of the Assembly, said to ARA News about the statistical approximations conducted by Society for the number of Syrian refugees in Izmir, he noted at the beginning of his speech that «The statistics confirm that the number is a hundred and fifty thousand Syrian refugees, and most of the refugees in need to relief assistance and opportunities to work in the city».
With regard to those who support the Assembly and the nature of the relief aid Abdullah said, «There are charitable organizations that provide support even now and then, and businessmen in Turkey and the assistance offered by members of the Assembly, who are working as a volunteers and spread in the regions of Izmir, as they document the most need and critical cases within special records, then organize the names and distributes aid in events, holidays and in the month of Ramadan and also in case some organization provided support for the urgent cases».
Abdullah explained the nature of the aid, saying: «we contributed in establish five free hospitals, and we tried to open schools for Syrian students, and we secure jobs for the refugees in the industrial workshops, as we secure 224 jobs during the year 2014, in addition to cultural activities and fundraising events».
Despite the high prevalence of charitable organizations inside and outside Syria, but they did not meet their needs, because of the continuing deterioration of the living conditions and the increasing number of refugees, according to human rights reports.