Saudi Arabia Grants Hospitality for Syrians fleeing Yemen

20 Apr 2015

Saudi Arabia opened its doors to Syrians fleeing the war in Yemen without any condition or restriction, providing all forms of assistance and protection. According to a Syrian who came from Sanaa with his family, Saudi Arabia Helped the Syrians without applying any conditions or constraints. The entrance process time was even very fast; it only took him and his family three hours to finish the whole process, with his passport expired. Saudi Arabia gave the Syrians two options. Syrians may obtain the right to move through Saudi Arabia up to a certain period, and this is renewable, by being ensured from a Saudi citizen. Or they would be transferred to a big hotel in Samtah city, south of the kingdom, where every family would get a flat to live in and the government will cover food, clothes and other living expenses, thus to be considered as a refugee camp.