Saudi National Campaign distributed six thousand food basket to Syrian refugees

08 Jun 2015

D.Badr Samhan, Regional Director of National Saudi Campaign, singed contract to support the Syrians through supply of six thousand food basket for distribution to six thousand Syrian refugee families and displaced in Syria, Jordan and southern Syria in value of 954 thousand Saudi Riyal as part of warm-campaign plan for the month of Ramadan.

D.Samhan explained that the campaign has adopted equipping the required of food and dry ration, which will be distributed to six thousand displaced Syrian families in in the southern Syrian and Jordan through Ramadan program “wlk mthl agrh” you will be rewarded in the same manner.

He pointed out that the total cost amounted to 954 thousand Saudi Riyal, where a total weight per basket more than 45 kg of core material like: rice, sugar, tea, oil, dates, olive, lentils, bulgur, flour and more, so that the basket enough middle Syrian family for a whole month.

And he proved that the campaign programs ongoing to reduce the suffer for displaced and refugees Syrians in various areas where they are, and that because of support from God and then the continued flow of donations from Saudi donors.