The Effect of Covid-19 on the Arab and Middle Eastern Communities in London

24 Sep 2020

The Mosaic Initiative team attended a round table with the London City Hall with the Arab and Middle Eastern community representatives to discuss the most pressing issues affecting them throughout the pandemic. Our team expressed our concern at the reduction of safe legal routes to resettlement in the UK, inadequate access and signposting to legal advice and employment challenges for refugees in London. Before the onset of the pandemic, refugees in the UK were supported and encouraged to take train for careers in the hospitality industry. Due to the lockdown and restrictions cafes, restaurants, bars and hotels have been adversely affected. The Mosaic Initiative team felt compelled to create access to alternative trainings, courses and support for refugees in areas of the UK labour market (and beyond). Our digital marketing classes begin next month (October 2020), taught in Arabic by industry experts with key terms in English. We will support you to prepare your CV and work with you to access internship and employment opportunities. Are you interested? Contact us today, you can find the details on our website!