This is my life… Breakfast concerts for the Syrians in Ramadan

23 Jun 2015

Group “This is my life” preparing in Turkey to launch a charity campaigns for Syrian refugees in Turkey and Syria, to coincide with the holy month of Ramadan.

The campaigns include breakfast ceremony for thousand Syrian child in the Turkish city Gaziantep, in cooperation with Syrian charitable organizations and voluntary associations, as well as events include theatre, theatre brides and drawing board by thousand child under the title “meeting together and a thousand bit”.

Rana Bitar, Director of “This is my life” in Turkey, said that the charity campaigns will begin in two days, and will continue throughout the month of Ramadan, and she said in an interview that “Breakfast ceremony by the group for the Syrian orphans will be held in Gaziantep, Aleppo and Marrat-Alnuman, in the coming days and will be repeated throughout the holy month”.

Bitar stressed that the group with Mulham volunteer team will distribute water and dates to the Syrian and Turks in Gaziantep before the breakfast, she pointing out that there is a high coordination of joint work between the Syrian organizations and associations, “we gathered and put a plan to joint work in Ramadan”.

It is noteworthy that a number of Syrian organizations and charities working in Turkey and neighbouring countries, to provide assistance to the displaced Syrians through relief, educational and service projects, in light of the continued war in the country for the fifth year in a row.