Turkey sent two thousand trucks of humanitarian aid to Ain Arab in Syria

29 Jun 2015

Turkey opened its doors to 194 thousand civilian refugees, have fled from the Syrian city of Ain Arab (Kubani), because of attacks “ISIS”, since the start of the crisis last year, Turkey also sent humanitarian aid to residents of the city who preferred to stay in it.

According to the data of public diplomacy Coordination office of the Turkish prime minister, “Turkey has received 134 thousand refugees, between 19 to 22 September of last year, the highest number of refugees who have taken by European countries from 2011 to the present day, as well as that Turkey allowed the international coalition – which Turkey is one of its members – to carry out air operations in the Syrian city Ain Arab“.

It was provided humanitarian assistance such as food, water, medicine and personal hygiene kits for civilians who did not want to leave Ain Arab and for armed groups who defending the city, where was sent 933 thousand truck (202 large cargo cars and 1,731 trucks) as humanitarian aid to Ain Arab from 19 last September.

Turkish authorities also established, “Srouj” Centre for temporary shelter, which accommodates 35 thousand people from the refugees, who were forced to leave their homes and fled to Turkey as a result of ISIS attacks, the centre includes hospitals and schools, as well as vocational training for adults and shops.

Srouj centre for temporary shelter, which is the largest refugee camp in Turkey, it described “the first environmental camp”, because it contains a special system sewage treatment for 100%, and re-use.