UNICEF: Kuwait has provided 80 million pounds to help two million Syrian children

29 May 2015

Juliette Touma – the official speaker for the United Nations Fund for Children “UNICEF” – had said that The refugee crises in the Middle East clearly appear in the Syrian model, where are 2 million Syrian refugee children Distributors in Turkey, Lebanon, northern Iraq and Egypt.

And she added, these countries was very gracious, opened its borders for refugees, cooperated and dealt with the crisis effectively, although they are not rich countries in the resources and the provision of services, pointing out that the UNICEF role in the refugee service is limited to humanitarian and social life side as the public.

And about the provided services, Touma said there are educational services provided to the children represented in school tents, schools which are created from scratch, and the best proof of that is Zaatari camp, which was a form of educational services provided by UNICEF, in addition to providing support for schools that already exist by supporting with the numbers of teachers, classrooms and so on.

In addition to that She added: as UNICEF for Syrian refugees made vaccinate for children and vaccinated against polio and measles service, there are 25 million children were vaccinated against polio at several times in cooperation with the ministries of health in of host countries, as well as the World Health Organization, and we oversee the ways of vaccinations, and the Medical work crews in all these places.

She continued: UNICEF is also interested in water services, drinking water, sanitation, construction of pipelines and toilets.

About the health aspect, which is the IV tier and the supplementing to the services provided by UNICEF for refugees Juliette Touma said that UNICEF in this aspect provides for the refugee population health packets of soap, towels and toothpaste, as well as various services and subsidies offered by the organization for free and with cooperation with the donor countries, for example, the State of Kuwait alone has provided 80 million pounds grant to the Syrian crisis and refugees.

According to the Egyptian Foundation for supporting the refugees, the number of refugees in Egypt, had reached in the end of 2014 about 230 thousand and 86 refugees, with an increase of up to more than 135 thousand refugees registered in 2010 as opposed to undocumented immigrants in the United Nations who get a scholarship stay, therapeutic stay or tourist stay, as the number of refugees in four countries, namely Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and Lebanon until the end of 2014, recorded more than 4.0005 million thousand while those numbers in 2010 were about 3 million and 18 thousand in those countries. Pointing out that Jordan received the largest share, according to the World Bank statistics.