“UNICEF” producing a film to show the tragedy of the Syrian refugees

09 Sep 2015

“UNICEF” organization proceeded in collaboration with one of the most British stars, in the production of a film under the title “No place like home”, to direct the world’s attention to the suffering of the Syrian refugees.

Participated in this film Ewan McGregor, ambassador of “UNICEF” in the United Kingdom, Michael Sheen, Tom Hiddleston, and Emma Bunton one of the members of the team Spice Girl earlier, and musicians Rita Ora and Tine Themba, in order to support a distress of refugees Syria.

Ewan McGregor said through the film: “My heart really goes out to millions of Syrian children who have lost everything … family, friends and their homes, facing waves of bitter cold for the third year in the camps there is no place like home, and no one should called it home for a child, please open your eyes to the crisis in Syria.”

And the “UNICEF” organization headed through this film in a call to the whole world to donate for thousands of Syrian children to provide them blankets, clothing and medical care.