“UNRWA” launches new digital system for the registration of refugees and asylum seekers in Syria

16 Apr 2015

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees “UNRWA” launched in Syria a new system for the registration of refugees and asylum seekers inside Syrian Works to take biometrics and digital version definition secure cards, this was confirmed by the “Lebanese National News Agency,” in a report yesterday. And showed the agency it is possible to recognize the refugee or asylum seeker through the new system by taking iris recognition and registered under a special program, it provides a high level of protection and honesty registration system, preventing any attempts of fraud, cheating and change. The head of the UNHCR mission in Syria, Abdul-Karim al-Ghoul said “The new system carries a lot of pros as the latest registration programs of refugees and asylum seekers and the most effective.” Pointing out that “The number of beneficiaries than 30 thousand refugees and asylum seekers from different countries registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) mission in Syria.” And the “National News Agency” showed that UNHCR is currently exporting “appointed definition cards for asylum seekers blue line refugees red line”, arguing that “registration in this system the entry gate to the protection of refugees and asylum seekers and used a means of protecting information and registration, verification and constantly updated and a means of access to services and rights in the country of asylum in dignity and safety”.