Thu 8 Aug, 6:45pm
P21 Gallery, 21 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD
Entry: £7 on the door or book your tickets below
A snapshot of life before Syria’s uprising began, from two very different perspectives.
Syria/UK, 2012, 65 min.
This consistently insightful and unexpected documentary follows the lives of an Iraqi fashion designer and a Syrian monk, both living in Syria in 2010. It offers a unique perspective on what the dream of freedom means to two very different people and provides a vital snapshot of life in the year before Syria’s uprising.
“The witty humanity of her two portraits of these men subtly highlights the brutality of Bashar Al-Assad’s regime without laboring the point.”
Rachel Haliburton, The Majalla
“The equivalent of a film thermometer, this is a fascinating way of taking the Syrian temperature…In some ways, this is a contemporary echo of Budayri, The Barber of Damascus – a Syrian barber who kept a diary during the mid-eighteenth century which chronicled the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. The diary survives as an important historical document and useful insight into what happened and why”
Clare Dean, Mostly Film