Bob Geldof offers to take four refugee families into his home
Bob Geldof, in a highly charged interview on Irish radio, offered to take in four families immediately and give them […]
Bob Geldof, in a highly charged interview on Irish radio, offered to take in four families immediately and give them […]
People of Darya faced during the past months and years snipers fire, explosive barrels, napalm, and indiscriminate killings at the […]
Amid immersive atmosphere of welcome and solidarity among all segments of German society towards foreigners refugee influx in increasing numbers […]
At least 12 people drowned in the Aegean Sea when two boats filled with refugees sank en route to Greece […]
The Syrian artist Mustafa Jacoub issued golden dinar in response to the golden dinar issued by ISS in similar design, […]
The Charity World Cup for Orphans (Satok) was concluded, in Cairo, under the supervision of Shekha Al Thani Organization. The […]
A Greek surfer saved the life for a drowned Syrian refugee; the incident is the second of its kind in […]
Iceland recently announced it was willing to help with the growing humanitarian disaster in Syria that is sending Syrians fleeing […]